Thursday, September 25, 2014

Hi Everyone!

Hello Everyone!
My name is Kimberly (Kim) I have 2 babies; a 22 month old  girl and a 10 month old boy!  I currently live in  Harlingen Texas .... way down south! I was pregnant back to back and since then I have struggled with weight loss...  I have several clothes in my closet that I have not worn since before pregnancy and I would love to fit back into my jeans...  I am a stay at home mom for now and I love it. I am excited about this challenge :)
My goals are :
- lose 15-20 pounds
- lose inches
-drink more water

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you! Glad you are in the challenge. I too have a closet of clothes I haven't worn in a long time and would love to have fit again.
