Saturday, May 26, 2018


Something I honestly thought I’d get better at during this process was setting a time out to excercise, but I have not. Luckily I’m in PE and I was in a play where I danced a lot, so I’ve been able to get a lot of excercise points, but when it’s uo to me on making it happen I’m not that great. Usually I choose to go on a walk if I have to time to try and get all of my points, but that doesn’t feel like the most productive workout. I still know it’s good, and it’s helping me prepare for trek.
 Now as I’m thinking about it, I’m a lot more in shape than I was. In January I ran a mile in a bit less than 11 minutes with a lot of walk breaks. I can now run it in 8 without stopping. I know that part of this is being more in shape, but mostly it’s mental. I broke through a barrier and now I know I can push myself and do something that makes me a little uncomfortable and get great results.
So maybe I feel like I haven’t really made a good habit of excercising, but at least I’m on the right track.

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