Saturday, February 7, 2015

NSV (non-scale victory)

I haven't lost much (read: any) weight the last 2 weeks, which is frustrating because I've been working really hard. In times past this might have discouraged me so much as to make me stop trying. Not anymore! Instead I am focusing on the non-scale related successes, like how my jeans are inexplicably dragging on the floor. They still fit around the waist, so all I can figure is that my legs have gotten slimmer. Another victory was experienced yesterday at the gym. I am not a runner; I'm not good at it, I don't enjoy it, but I'm trying to improve so I do it anyway. Yesterday I ran 2 miles without stopping, took a short walk break, then finished a 5k a few minutes faster than what I did 2 weeks ago. With all my swimming and now kickboxing workouts, my shoulders and arms are feeling strong. So I may not be making much progress on the scale right now, but I'm definitely building strength and endurance. Hopefully the scale will catch up before too long so I don't get smoked in points at the end of this challenge!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to keep going too, since I haven't lost as much weight as I had expected.
