Monday, January 12, 2015

In the GAME!

My name is Elise Adams. I live here in Greeley and am SUPER excited for another round of Stephanie's health and fitness challenge! I have to admit, even though I stuck the last one out til the last day - for the most part my head wasn't in the game. Yes, I made some changes, but I knew I could have done more and been more 'there' competitively. I lost a fair amount of weight, but I KNOW it could have been more. This time it will be different! I am committed to myself more fully and WILL see more changes this time. 

I am a runner, but have taken some time off from running through the fall. I'm committed to running again. I'm running a RAGNAR in June and do NOT want to be the weakest link on my team! I'm going to be running a half marathon in May in order to prepare for the Ragnar.

My goals for this challenge are 1) to KEEP my head in the GAME the ENTIRE time! 2) to lose MORE than I lost last time! 3) Reach my goal weight and MAINTAIN!!!

Oh...a little more about me...I'm a stay at home mom of four awesome kids ages 9, 7, 5, 3. My husband is finishing up grad school and will graduate in May! (I plan to look smokin' hot in those graduation pictures! LOL!) My husband will be living in Grand Junction as of next week to complete his 400 hours of required clinical time. I will be seriously playing single mom for the majority of this competition - which may end up making me MORE successful!!

Watch out and get ready. This challenge is a great way to get back on 'track' and have a lot of encouragement on the way. We can do this. Well...even if you don't...I WILL!!!
This is me and my cute daughter before we went to a tea party last year for Activity Days Girls.


  1. So cute! Love, love, love the hats!

  2. Cute picture! Let me know if you ever need anything while you are doing the single mom thing!
