Sunday, April 26, 2015

This challenge has been going good and I hate that the only points I lose are sleep points!  Getting an hour of exercise everyday is pretty easy for me but getting 7 hours of sleep every night is not so easy. But I will try harder! Also i am kind of frustrated this week because I lost a couple of pounds last week but gained a pound this week.  Grrrrrr.  But I will keep trying!  What are some ideas for trying a new exercise this week? I am not sure what I am going to do. I usually run or do insanity workouts so trying to decide what to try for a new workout.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some typical Crossfit workouts. None of these require any equipment or weights. While some of these look impossible, my favorite thing about Crossfit is that all of the workouts can be scaled back. Even for the most technical movements there are some great modifications that make them more palatable for a beginner like myself. You may find a few of these 92 workouts that look interesting to you. Good luck!
