Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hi Everyone!

I am Roxanna ! Mother of two who are ages 5 & 3.  We are from Southwest Kansas....yes... Kansas.... =) What I mean by southwest, I really mean "the middle of nowhere." Cornfields and flatland is what I am used to ! We couldn't be happier to be living in Colorado, this really is such a beautiful state.

For me this a very personal and tough journey. I am going on two + years of actively working on these changes. I have had little to no luck doing this on my own. Also due to some underlying health factors I have also been deterred at times.

I am continuously telling myself to be patient, do my part, and I will reap the benefits soon enough. I have slowly come to accept that realistically, it may take a lot longer to get to where I want to be physically.but putting in the work and building that foundation now, I will reach those goals.

Thanks to my wonderful neighbor (Susan Lewis) I was able to join you all. Which I believe is a blessing in disguise ( because opening up in this manner to me is daunting.) Joining this group challenge is my attempt to get out of my comfort zone.and to not be so much the "frustrated & suffering in silence type." Among reaching these fitness and health goals I need to learn to lean on others who share the same goals!

I am looking forward to being held accountable through this challenge. I now realize that healthy habits take time and and lots of hard work.

Did I mention I have zero patience with myself?


  1. Welcome Roxanna! I'm so glad you decided to join. Being in a group and having accountability is so helpful.

    You're right, making long term changes is really tough. But sounds like you've got the right attitude.

    Susan and I have talked about trying to do some workouts together. Maybe you can join us. It'd be fun to meet you.

  2. It's so hard to be patient when the changes seem so slow! You will do great!

  3. We just moved back to the mountains after being surrounded by corn fields! Hopefully, we can hike some of these mountains and lose weight along the way.
